Let's use the rest of this post to connect to tutoring. Here are some easy steps:
- Review the courses that you are taking this term. Which one or ones do you find the most rigorous for you?
- Now start to look for resources that offer tutoring in these areas.
- If you have a private tutor, make appointments and keep them.
- If you are in a group tutoring situation, be a productive member by showing up and contributing to the information.
- Math: the Mathematics Department offers free tutoring in the Math Tutoring Center in the lower level of the Cowles Building. http://www.math.utah.edu/ugrad/tutoring.html
- Academic Support: This agency coordinates the ASUU Tutoring Center and Supplemental Instruction for a variety of courses and disciplines. They have a variety of rates. http://tutoringcenter.utah.edu/
- The Writing Center: Have a Writing course or a course that requires a written paper? Then check-out the services available here. Writing is a process and everyone continues to grow through feedback. http://writingcenter.utah.edu/
- College, Department, Agency: There are many places to connect to tutoring at the University of Utah. Ask advisors, faculty, and student peers. The answers will give you lots of options for finding the best resource for you.